Sunday, March 28, 2010

Helping her.......

Location:Room 14

After dinner at 8pm...I took Wendy to her room...cause she was very weak and I don't know what happen...and she was really really weak I lay her down on the bed...and tell her to rest.
She said don't leave her and stay with her...and I told her that I will read her a story...and I return to my room...and took some story books.
As I return to my room.....I still remember the children story title Burden Life....and I took it and rush to her room.

Location:Room 15

When I was inside her room...I put my phone on her desk...and turn on some musics...title Dawn of Mana opening...she was open heart and I read the stories for her as much as I can......
She asking me also.....why is my story so nice and beautiful......and I just smiled at her....and those stories I created by myself....

She told me that I will be a great writer one day...and I know....what is mean to be with her.
After I read finish my stories...she hold my hand and said...."Good luck"....and I nodded my head.I know what is important for her with me and him.
I cover the blanket on her and told her to rest.
Then...I told her that I will continue my stories send my the song I just heard to her phone...and she hear and listen and fast asleep......

I hope she will know that I might not be with her always......and I promise my words...that I with her....always..........

To Be Continued....

Benny Liew..........

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